Healthy Living: Touching Safety Rules

The Second Graders were all ears as Ms. Jester taught about the touching safety rules.

The boys chanted, 'Say no, get away! Tell someone, tell someone!"

Students named people in their families, school, and community who are trusted adults and could lend a helping hand.

This week the Second Graders showed their creativity when decorating snack bags. The Early Childhood students will fill the bags, and they will be distributed to the needy.

Continental Math League

Round 2 on the CML was completed this week. Students did their best to solve six very challenging word problems. The photos show their intense concentration.

Happy 100th Birthday, Jackie Robinson!

When reading . our class realized that Jackie Robinson's 100th birthday would be on Jan. 31st. We admire him for being brave enough to make a difference in our world!

When reading . our class realized that Jackie Robinson's 100th birthday would be on Jan. 31st. We admire him for being brave enough to make a difference in our world!

Our Student of the Week, Emi, visited The Big Apple, New York City, and shared her fun with the class.

Upcoming Events

All School Parent Visitation Day, Science Expo, and Middle School One Act Plays  on February 8:  Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and more information will be sent out shortly.

Wednesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day - The children are welcome to bring cards for their classmates.

President Day Holiday Weekend:  Student holidays on Friday, February 15 and Monday, February 18

Mardi Gras Auction on Saturday, February 23



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