Social Studies

January 15 marked the birth dates of two very important people: Cornelia Connelly and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Second Graders discussed how these two individuals worked hard to make the world a better place. Each student then thought of a way that he/she can make a world a better place, wrote that idea on a paper hand, and placed it on his/her drawing of the world. How important it is to realize that we can all make a difference!

Whale Project

After reading about whales, the students worked with a partner to research a particular
whale. The partners then created a presentation to share their information with their classmates.


After reading Jellies, the Life of Jellyfish, the Second Graders made jellyfish for our hallway display.


Here is a glimpse of part of our hallway ocean display.

As Student of the Week, Scout led the Second Graders all week as they traveled to their special classes. 
Upcoming Events

All School Parent Visitation Day, Science Expo, and Middle School One Act Plays  on February 8:  Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and more information will be sent out shortly.

Wednesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day - The children are welcome to bring cards for their classmates.

President Day Holiday Weekend:  Student holidays on Friday, February 15 and Monday, February 18

Mardi Gras Auction on Saturday, February 23




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