Science: Simple Tools - Lever
Each group of four students was asked to use a ruler and/or yardstick with a fulcrum of their choice to lift one or more readers.They learned that the lever worked better when the fulcrum was placed closer to the object being lifted. |
Inspired by our classroom activity, at home Emmy (above) made her own lever using pencils taped together, and she fashioned a fulcrum out of playing cards. Below, Juliana created her lever and fulcrum at home using Zoomtools. |
Ocean Unit
The lower school kicked off our ocean unit by viewing T
he Magic School Bus Takes a Dive. In the video, the students learned about coral reefs, some partnership relationships in the coral reef habitat and how harmful pollution is to ocean creatures and plants.
Sorting Seashells
The class enjoyed learning how seashells are formed and sorting them using classification cards. |
Blessings from the Three King
The Three Kings visited our classroom bringing us special blessing for the new year. |
Fly, Eagles, Fly
Second Graders cheer on the Eagles! |
Our Student of the Week, Zora, demonstrated how to use gymp to make a lanyard. She made it look very easy!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, January 15th Evening of Reflection for Grade 2 Parents at 7:00 p.m.: Please RSVP to Tricia Richards at or 610-259-2712.
Monday, Feb. 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: School holiday
All School Parent Visitation Day, Science Expo, and Middle School One Act Plays on February 8: Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and more information will be sent out shortly.
President Day Holiday Weekend: Student holidays on Friday, February 15 and Monday, February 18
Mardi Gras Auction on Saturday, February 23
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