Halloween Fun
Community Time
During Community Time, the Lower School and Early Childhood gathered to play Halloween Bingo.
The Second Graders happily helped the Nursery students play the game and there were lots of happy faces when they got BINGO!

Halloween Poem
Our October poem, Halloween Just Can't Be Beat was a fun one to memorized and act out. The students worked with a partner, made up motions, and then recited it for the class. Here is the entire class reciting it together. Enjoy!
Halloween Day
There was great excitement in the air on Halloween as the students arrived to school ready for a day of fun.
Here we are - ready for some action!
How do you like our creative costumes?
Student of the Week
Our Student of the Week, Joseph, shared some of his favorite riddles with the class.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 6th: Election Day: No school for students
Thursday, November 15th: Parent Teacher Conferences in the evening
Friday, November 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences in the morning
Community Time
During Community Time, the Lower School and Early Childhood gathered to play Halloween Bingo.
The Second Graders happily helped the Nursery students play the game and there were lots of happy faces when they got BINGO!
Halloween Poem
Our October poem, Halloween Just Can't Be Beat was a fun one to memorized and act out. The students worked with a partner, made up motions, and then recited it for the class. Here is the entire class reciting it together. Enjoy!
Halloween Day
There was great excitement in the air on Halloween as the students arrived to school ready for a day of fun.
Here we are - ready for some action!
How do you like our creative costumes?
We are all set for the Halloween parade!
After the parade, it was off to the Halloween games organized by the 8th graders. Special thanks to the 7th and 8th graders who ran all of the games in the gym and in the playground area.
Whether inside or outside there was lots of fun to be had.
The students also spent some time doing special activities in the MPR, including making masks, being wrapped like a mummy, and decorating photo frames. Thank you to the many parents who organized and helped out with the MPR activities.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Halloween Mission Party one of the best days of the school year!
Student of the Week
Our Student of the Week, Joseph, shared some of his favorite riddles with the class.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 6th: Election Day: No school for students
Thursday, November 15th: Parent Teacher Conferences in the evening
Friday, November 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences in the morning
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