Welcome to Grade 2
First Week of School
Here we are...ready for a great year!
These pretzels are the best.
Sharing our paragraphs about ourselves.
How do you like our emojis?
The students met their "families" last Thursday and spent some time getting to know one another. Then they worked together to create their own shield. It was lots of fun!
For the week of September 17th , gym class will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
Thank you very much for the boxes of tissues, hand wipes, and sanitizing wipes!
6 Day Schedule Specials
Day 1: Spanish Social Studies/Guidance
Day 2: Music Community Time
Day 3: Library Science/Healthy Living
Day 4: Music Art Spanish
Day 5: Innovation Lab Physical Education
Day 6: Physical Education Music
- Arrival time in the cafeteria each morning is by 7:50 a.m.
- Gym uniform with sneakers is worn to school on days when we have PE. (This year we are having a 6-day schedule and our PE days will be Day 5 and Day 6.)
- Each will need to bring a morning snack each day. Lunch must be ordered the night before on the website
- All workbooks will need to be covered in clear contact paper for durability.
- Since we will be using iPads in the classroom, each child is encouraged to bring his/her own earbuds in a plastic bag clearly marked with his/her name.
- The students can earn pennies for nighttime reading and for good behavior, so each child will need a small pouch or plastic container in which to keep his/her pennies
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